just in case you wanted to know me

Apropå inte så mycket, så har jag alltid gillat att läsa om stjärntecken. Stjärntecken, inte horoskop. Horoskop tror jag inte på. Vare sig det är en slump eller inte att jag tycker mycket stämmer in, så gör det det. Så pass mycket självinsikt kan jag i alla fall säga att jag har. Så jag tycker det är roligt att läsa, och till min poäng så råkade jag hitta en kul sida för det. (Titta här)Där kan ni hitta och läsa om era tecken också utifall att ni skulle vara nyfikna. 

Leo is the most spontaneously creative, extrovert and dominant of all zodiac signs. Leos are just like their animal counterpart in as such that they are courageous, ambitious, dominant, positive, strong willed, self-confident and independent.

Leos are powers for good. They are strongly humane, idealistic and intelligent and can be very philosophical. They have a playful and very loving nature and are great with children because they are often still in touch with the child within them. Leos can go too far in their temperament and become arrogant and self-centred. They are also cunning and can use trickery against those who have wronged them. They have an inherent need for approval, which can be very tiring on others.

Leos love the new and extraordinary and despise dull and ordinary routines. If faced with routines, they will create their own drama to liven things up. They do not like to be unhappy so will take matters into their own hands to make things right again. They are also extremely territorial and will defend their kingdom with all their might.

Leos are open, sincere, genuine, trusting and outgoing. They are also highly sensitive and can be extremely upset if they are hurt by someone they trusted.

Jag hade verkligen inte kunnat beskriva mig själv bättre, eller i alla fall enklare, än med dom orden. Positivt eller negativt. Dom som känner mig skulle nog kunna se where i'm coming from, så att säga. ;) 


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